
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rice Cereal and Prunes...Yum!

At Andrielle's 4 month check-up, our pediatrician recommended that we have her to start try eating real baby food. So, last Saturday Gavin and I picked up some rice cereal and a couple of jars of prunes. And guess what - she LOVES it! She eats about 2 tablespoons twice a day. I'm so proud. I thought it would be a little early, but she seems so ready! She eats of the spoon really well and swallows even better. It's so fun watching her grow! :)


Kerri said...

She looks worn out from eating so much! She's growing up.

Wetzel Family said...

Wow, since I started Facebook I really haven't been keeping up on reading blogs let alone keeping up with my own!lol! Your blog is so cute! You'll have to teach me how to make cute hair bows, since we are having another girl. Your precious girl is soooo cute! Time does go by way to fast! I heard Gavin got a job at NS! I am sooo happy for your family! Sammy got RSV too just last week. It's a bad season!! Hopefully, it will stop snowing for good and warm up so our little ones can stay healthy for awhile!:)