
Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

It's October! We are so excited for this month. Not only the weather getting colder (yay!) but our little family is going to be visiting Gavin's sister (& her family) in California for a week. Woo Hoo- VACATION!! And, of course, there is Halloween to be excited for, too! :)

Everything has been going so great for us. Andrielle has just been so much fun. She is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on everything and putting everything in her mouth. It's really been a good motivator for me to vaccuum more often! She now has 4 little teeth - 2 on top and 2 on the bottom. According to her last doctor's appointment a few weeks ago, she's still really tall and skinny (13% for weight and 83% for height) I don't really know where she got those lucky genes!

Our home remodeling is kind of at a stand-still right now which I'm kinda bummed about. Everything costs MONEY and for the projects I want done, it's going to take alot of it. So for now, we're just enjoying frequent trips to Home Depot, Lowes, and Ikea to dream about what we'd like someday. My awesome visiting teachers came over last month and gave me some great tips on how to rearrange my living room and it is so fabulous. It serioulsy looks like our living room is twice the size now.

My brother, C.J, got back from his mission a couple weeks ago and it's been so great to have him home. And another of my brothers, Jeff, is now attending USU (it should make for an interesting game this Friday night - USU vs BYU, haha!) I can't believe how old my family is getting!

Anybody watching Biggest Loser this season? I love love love this show! I'm really excited about this season. I absolutely LOVE Abby! What an incredible woman she is! And I'm so glad they brought back Daniel from last season. Tuesday nights 7-9 on channel 5, you gotta see it! ;)


Tenika Dennis said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe your brother is home from his mission! It's so exciting to hear about your baby and how your life is going!

Kerri said...

I can't wait to see your living room! i love the biggest loser too, but I have only watched it once this season. I haven't learned everyones names yert, but i will watch it next week!